Posts tagged courses
I Have A Confession...

Friends of my life partner and I recently commented that they were afraid to invite us over to dinner because they were afraid that they didn't have anything that we "eat." This was an eye-opener for me and it started me wondering how many of our friends and family feel that our "way" of eating is out of reach for them. Well...I have a confession to make!

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Natural Herbs to Heal Your Thyroid

I get so many questions about thyroid health.  SOOO many people are suffering from the symptoms of low thyroid function but are being told that your thyroid labs look "normal."  All you know is that you don't FEEL normal!!

There are 3 MAIN things you can do today to start healing your thyroid.  These are things that have been scientifically shown to optimize your thyroid hormone levels as well as getting you back to feeling more energetic and vital.

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4 Achievable New Years Resolutions

Yay!  Now that 2017 is here, I’m sure you are well on your way to achieving those New Year’s Resolutions? Am I right?

So many people commit to huge New Year’s resolutions that are nearly impossible to achieve. Then, they end up not reaching their goals. One suggestion I have for you is to make your New Year’s resolution ACHIEVABLE this year.

When you do achieve your goals, you will be so much healthier.

Here are four perfect resolutions that are totally achievable:

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