Need A Little Help With Stress This Holiday Season??

How are you doing?  The holiday rush is in full swing and I see it already!  The frantic faces in the mall, short tempers in the grocery store and the anxiety etched on the faces of my patients.  There's so much energy this time of year, both in the positive and the negative direction.  Which way are you pointed?

I LOVE this time of the year.  For me, it is a time of reflection and gratitude.  It's the time when I pull out my warm soup and warm drinks recipes.  As much as I know there will be a period of relaxation and time off for the holidays, it also means a certain amount of preparation and flurry of activity as I am wrapping up my year and preparing for the new.

I hope that you have been using my tips to help with holiday stress.  If not, go back to my previous newsletters or blogs to get tips on how to handle the holidays, family, and fun with grace and ease.  

I thought I would send a quick note of appreciation for you and offer you a little extra "herbal" support for the holidays.  It's a supplement I offer called Neurocalm and it has some wonderful ingredients that help for stress and anxiety.

In it, there's a relaxing blend of vitamins and amino acids which help to make your "feel good" neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and GABA.  It also includes L-theanine, and I call this little baby "nature's valium."  Just 2 capsules daily can help you to tackle the periodic stress that occurs when you are rushing around, dealing with difficult family, or just want to be more relaxed and happy as you shop.

Try it HERE.  Let me know how it works for you and how you plan to keep the calm this Holiday season!!

Be Blissful!!