My New FAVORITE Skin Care Line


I must admit. I get a LOT of comments about my skin and I feel blessed that I look younger than my years :-). I have always enjoyed trying different skincare products, but as a hormone expert, I know that many of our commercial products have hormone disruptors in them. Some of my patients whose hormones are out of balance, after investigation, we come to find that there are endocrine disruptors nd even synthetic hormones directly in their beauty products.

I have been on a search for a skin care line that uses pure ingredients, is natural and organic, and that doesn't contain any ingredients that would disrupt my hormones. I also wanted the line to be gentle for my sensitive skin, but give me that glow that gets people asking what I use. I wanted to find a skin care line that felt nourishing, smelled yummy and truly supported my skin's needs!

I happened to stumble upon a post about Annmarie Skin Care and after seeing all of the hype about this line, I decided to get a sample kit and give it a try. Well, OMG!! The smell alone won me over, but the serums left my face dewy and fresh and the Coconut Body Oil is now my favorite daily moisturizer.

After using it for a few days, I could definitely see the difference and my office staff kept remarking that it looked like I was glowing!

Well, in their generosity, Annmarie Skin Care has put together a trial package where YOU, my tribe, can try any of 3 special sample kits that include some of their best-selling products. You can choose a sample kit based on your skin type -- normal, oily, or dry.

These kits are just $10 each AND when you order one (or more) you’ll receive a wonderful gift! You'll get a $10.00 off coupon that you can use for a future purchase. Annmarie Skin Care is also offering FREE SHIPPING for these kits – anywhere in the world.

Also, when you get a sample kit today, you'll get another gift! You'll receive Annmarie's Toxic Free Home Guide for free (a $24.95 value!). This is an in-depth, beautifully laid out guide that exposes the worst and most common chemicals you can find throughout your house — in cleaning products, toiletries, even your couch -- and shows you safe alternatives to use. This is key!

Their comprehensive, easy-to-read Toxic Free Home Guide is full of tips for creating a beautifully natural home, with lots of product recommendations and DIY recipes for everything from deodorant to drain cleaning solution. Remember, I am the QUEEN of clearing toxins and this guide is spot-on. Environmental toxins contribute to many of the reasons why people have allergies, fatigue, autoimmune disease and other chronic diseases. This guide helps you to rid your home of the harmful stuff!



If you order a sample kit today, you'll get this guide -- free -- and free shipping for all sample kits you your $10 off coupon for a future purchase. They also have great customer service. I have queried them multiple times about their products and they are there to help guide you to pick the right product if you need it.


I absolutely LOVE these products. Like I mentioned before, I use the Coconut Body Oil and the facial serums daily. They smell so delicious. Be careful..your honey may want to eat you up!!

I hope you love them as much as I do. Send me your comments..I'd love to hear them.


Lots of Health and Vitality!